Call Today 954.589.5127
Call Today 954.589.5127


We are an outpatient physical therapy and occupational therapy practice that makes house calls!

Unlike other clinics which require you to go to them, we bring outpatient physical therapy and occupational therapy to the homes of our patients. Additionally, our patients will always be seen by the same physical therapist and occupational therapist, this allows for continuity of care.

We are not a home health agency therefore patients do NOT need to be home bound . We are physical therapists and occupational therapists in private practice just like an outpatient clinic and we bill through Medicare Part B or out-of-network insurance. We are filling the gap for Medicare patients who are not homebound (Medicare Part A), but would find it more convenient and more beneficial to have their physical therapy at home. 

Our highly-trained therapists provide treatment that improves gait and balance, reduces pain and inflammation, increases range of motion, and improves posture, strength and body mechanics. We pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence, integrity and quality physical rehabilitation care through the variety of physical therapy, occupational therapy and physical rehabilitation services our staff provides. With us, you will always be well cared for and receive the personalized attention you deserve.

Contact us today for a comprehensive evaluation! Your health is our highest priority. You'll get back to enjoying your life sooner with our advanced physical therapy treatments, flexible scheduling and consistent care. Call us today! Your body will thank you.